To save time and costs on travel, give more flexibility to board members, or enhance communication, virtual meetings are becoming increasingly frequent. Virtual meetings are beneficial in many ways however there are some drawbacks. Virtual meetings can be as effective as traditional meetings provided they are properly planned. However there are a few points to consider when planning and hosting such events.
Make sure everyone is equipped with the proper equipment and software. It isn't easy to keep everyone engaged when there are technical issues that prevent participants from communicating with one another or watching presentations, or even using their camera. It is a good idea to provide everyone with clear instructions for checking their cameras, microphones and speakers prior to the start of the meeting to eliminate these problems.
Make an agenda ahead of time to keep the discussion focused. If you don't establish a schedule, the meeting could be slowed down by side-bars. Also, ensure that all meeting topics are covered within the timeframe you have set to make sure that your attendees do not feel like nothing got done or that their time was wasted.
It's hard to recreate the camaraderie experienced during board meetings in person. There are ways to my blog enhance your virtual experience by incorporating enjoyable and engaging activities such as breaks or a game. Make sure you are using feedback loops regularly to collect information about the way directors and members are taking part in the meeting. Find out what works and what doesn't work, and what could be improved.