Common game development terms and definitions Game design vocabulary

Members of an Agile development team normally choose which tasks to work on, rather than being assigned work by a manager. When “simple design” choices have far-reaching consequences, two or more developers meet for a quick design session at a whiteboard. Pair programming consists of two programmers sharing a single workstation . “Information radiator” is the term for any of a number of visual displays which a team places in a highly visible location, so that all team members can see the latest information at a glance. Class Responsibility Collaborator Cards are an object oriented design technique teams can use to discuss what a class should know and do and what other classes it interacts with.

  • Solution represents the design, development, and implementation of the solution or set of solutions meant to correct the problems, close gaps, improve or enhance organizational performance and effectiveness, or seize opportunities.
  • “Call to Action.” The buttons on your website that drive certain conversions or goals such as donations, newsletter signups, or user registrations.
  • For example, donors commit to use country systems as the default option for programmes managed by the public sector.
  • This involves choosing the best structure for your site to deliver the best user experience.
  • Harmonisation reflects concerns that donors’ practices do not fit well with national development priorities and systems such as budget, programme and project planning cycles.
  • This inclusive forum brings together a wide range of countries and organisations to foster engagement, communication and knowledge sharing among development actors, it also works to maintain political support for the commitments reached in Busan.

When individual donors decide which countries and programmes to fund based on their own criteria, the pattern of aid distribution across countries becomes fragmented and insufficiently co-ordinated. This can result in gaps and overlaps between countries as well as in different sectors within a country which leads to a duplication of efforts in some cases and a lack of funding in others. Overall this contributes to the ineffective use of aid, a lack of tangible improvements in people’s lives and poor value for money. The phenomenon of aid orphans is related to the issue of fragmentation. When too many donors give too little aid to too many countries, these resources are splintered resulting in some countries and sectors being given too many resources that their systems are unable to manage, and others are given too few resources. The areas where aid overlaps are commonly referred to as "aid darlings", while those where it is missing as "aid orphans".

Accra Agenda for Action

They do not, however, do the work for the group; instead, they guide learners toward a specific learning outcome. The Global Partnership monitoring process was set up to continue to monitor the areas of “unfinished business” from the Paris agenda, and to begin monitoring progress towards the newer commitments agreed in Busan in 2011 that encompass wider forms of development co-operation. Substantive work on harmonising donor practices was carried out within the DAC to improve harmonisation and informed the Second High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in 2005.

development glossary

This glossary represents an overview of terms specific to software development teams using Scrum and agile software development techniques. It is the process of creating and designing a website used by mid to large level businesses. This involves choosing the best structure for your site to deliver the best user experience. Trainers help others improve their performance by teaching, instructing, or facilitating learning.

Sprint Planning

This necessary and evolving skill is particularly important for talent development professionals who conduct in-person or virtual training, but other professionals can also use it to facilitate team projects, task forces, committees, and meetings of any type. ODA is defined as flows to countries and territories on the DAC List of ODA Recipients and to multilateral institutions which are provided by official agencies, including state and local governments, or by their executive agencies. In addition, each transaction must be administered with the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries as its main objective; and be concessional in character and conveys a grant element of at least 25% (calculated at a rate of discount of 10%). Tax Abatement…exemption or reduction of local taxes of a project for a specific period of time.

Importantly, innovation can occur in any sector, and within all aspects of the economic development ecosystem. Clusters can include suppliers, manufacturers, and institutions that provide education and technical services to support those businesses. A facilitator should encourage all learners or team members to actively engage and contribute in meetings, depending on their individual comfort levels. This includes creating a safe and comfortable atmosphere in which group members are willing to share their feelings and opinions.

This became a huge trend in website design when browsing on mobile and tablet devices became more popular, which has led many developers to opt for a “mobile-first” approach — optimizing a website design for phone and tablet use first and then making sure it looks good on a laptop/desktop. Essentially how large an image or graphic can be rendered on a display. Oftentimes developers talk about the resolution of photos as photos at a low resolution won’t display as well if they need to be sized for the full width of a desktop screen. Resolutions are measured in pixels (e.g., the resolution of a MacBook Air screen is 1440 x 900 pixels).


→ This is the book if you choose to extend and validate your web and software development knowledge. It takes a lot of time, practice, and discipline to master even part of it. Web Development is so large that many abstractions are being used, with design frameworks, HTML/CSS frameworks, JavaScript frameworks, and DevOps tooling making it possible to write complex applications without understanding the mechanics. This has always been like that—only the abstractions have changed from WYSIWYG editors to the “one size fits all” frameworks we’re surrounded by now.

Agile projects are iterative insofar as they intentionally allow for “repeating” software development activities, and for potentially “revisiting” the same work products (the phrase “planned rework” is sometimes used; refactoring is a good example). Within talent development, facilitation most often refers to a technique used during in-person or virtual classroom learning; however, similar facilitation techniques can also be used in meetings or other group settings. In this context, facilitation can help a group improve how they work together, identify and solve problems, make decisions, and handle conflict. The role of the facilitator is to guide the group to work together more efficiently by creating synergy, generating new ideas, and arriving at consensus and agreement. Professional facilitators can be hired to play this role, but sometimes a senior leader, manager, consultant, coach, or another professional will be called upon to facilitate a meeting or discussion. The independent Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration was carried out in two rounds in 2008 and 2011.

Scrum of Scrums

When bonds are fully paid, the jurisdiction can begin to receive the additional tax revenue produced by the development. Since its inception, the SBA has delivered more than 13 million loans, loan guarantees, con-tracts, and other form of assistance to small businesses. Multiplier Effect… the process of dollar and job generation as a result of a new or migrating business or project, or of a local business expanding production . The multiplier effect accounts for new local income generated by local spending that came from outside a community.

They help lead the locally based, regionally driven economic development planning process that leverages the involvement of the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to establish a strategic blueprint, known as a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy , for regional collaboration. Creating the conditions for economic growth and improved quality of life by expanding the capacity of individuals, businesses, and communities to maximize the use of their talents and skills to support innovation, job creation, and private investment. In economic development, capacity building is the development or improvement of community assets that businesses need to succeed. Sustainable Development…development that does not destroy or eventually deplete a location’s natural resources. Sustainable development helps ensure a better, healthier living environment and contributes to an area’s quality of life, one of the main goals of economic development. Special Improvement Districts…mechanisms where local businesses and/or residents agree to voluntarily pay an additional tax to support improvements or services so local governments can finance and implement improvements within a specific and limited area.

As such, facilitation and presentation are both tools in a trainer’s toolkit. In most cases, effective and engaging trainers will spend less time presenting content through lectures or lecturettes and more time facilitating learning around that content. The Busan Partnership agreement recognises that all actors in development have a different but complementary role to play in achieving development goals. Ensuring that all actors – including government, civil society, foundations and the private sector.

A core principle of both the Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action and the Busan Partnership agreement. This inclusive forum brings together a wide range of countries and organisations to foster engagement, communication and knowledge sharing among development actors, it also works to maintain political support for the commitments reached in Busan. The Busan Partnership agreement includes a number of commitments related to supporting effective states and institutions.

Location Theory of Development…explanation of economic development that emphasizes factors such as transportation, access to raw materials and labor, taxes, business climate, and quality of life as they relate to industrial location. Business Creation… economic development strategy that focuses on encouraging the formation of new companies that are locally based and will remain in the community and grow. This glossary defines terms that will be used in the series of methodological Patient-Focused Drug Development FDA guidance documents that are required by the 21st Century Cures Act, and part of commitments made by FDA under the sixth authorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act . The goal of this glossary is to provide standardized nomenclature and terminologies related to patient-focused medical product development.

RLFs are evergreen sources of funding that can be continuously recycled to support different projects in perpetuity. Extreme Programming is an agile software development framework that aims to produce higher quality software, and higher quality of life for the development team. XP is the most specific of the agile frameworks regarding appropriate engineering practices for software development. The scale and scope of sustainable development challenges and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development have led to a significant shift towards engaging with the private sector to provide financing, job creation, service delivery and innovation. The development co-operation community is adapting its policies and practices to further harness and strengthen private sector engagement through development co-operation.

development glossary

Networks of thematically related companies and institutions in close, geographic proximity that — through competition and collaboration — have the potential to produce more efficient economic output as a group than they could individually. Examples of established clusters include Silicon Valley , Detroit , and the Boston Life Sciences Corridor . WebFXs proprietary digital marketing platform makes it easier than ever to track digital marketing performance, conduct industry research, calculate ROI, and make strategic decisions. A user’s interaction focused on how satisfying and successful the experience is. Computers running software that allows users to access your website and houses the hosting.

Buttons on your website to drive specific conversions or goals, like a newsletter signup or a contact form. This glossary is designed for anyone who needs assistance figuring out what certain acronyms or web development terms mean. It covers a range of web development terminology, all of which is arranged in alphabetical order. The team has the use of a dedicated space for the duration of the project, set apart from other groups’ activities. Splitting consists of breaking up one user story into smaller ones, while preserving the property that each user story separately has measurable business value.

Clusters…collocation of firms in the same or similar industries to foster interaction as a means of strengthening each other and enhancing the community’s competitive advantage. Benchmarking… quantifiable measures of economic competitiveness and quality of life that can be collected on a regular basis. They are used to measure a region’s economic status and progress against comparable regions. Machine Learning Machine learning is the study of algorithms and models that learn from large data sets and make predictions or decisions on new data.

Patient-Focused Drug Development Glossary

To be certified as a CDFI by the CDFI Fund of the Department of the Treasury, an institution must engage in community development, serve a targeted population, provide financing, have community representatives on its board, and be a non-governmental organization. CDBG … a system of unified block grants under which communities with more than 50,00 people are entitled to receive funding while other communities may apply for discretionary funding. Its purpose is to encourage more broadly conceived community development projects and expand housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income persons. The three primary goals of CDBG are to serve low- and moderate-income people, to eliminate slums and blight, and to address other community development needs that pose a serious and immediate threat to the health and welfare of the community.

Bond proceeds are used as loans for acquisition of land, building, machinery, and equipment. The umbrella is a pool of small bonds of $1 million or less packaged into a larger bond and issued by the state or local economic development agency. Supply-Side Theory of Development…explanation of economic development that focuses on reducing costs of production to lure capital to a new location; typical strategies include tax abatements, reductions, and exemptions; guaranteed and direct loans; and reduced regulation.

OD practitioners concern themselves with strategic planning and thinking, so these skills are musts for them. The Talent Development Body of Knowledge lists being an change expert, efficient designer, business advisor, credible strategist, and informed consultant as the major capabilities of an OD professionals. Some of the skills included are data collection and analysis, project management, management skills, emotional intelligence, business acumen, communication, collaboration, and facilitation. The glossary then goes beyond web development, touching on computer science, design, typography, usability and user experience, information as well as project management, other disciplines of interest and relevance to the modern developer. It goes beyond, inspiring the curiosity to learn more about the Web and the people creating and using it. And still it is a glossary, of a couple of thousand terms for developers, leaning on Wikipedia and the MDN Web Docs.

Community Development Venture Capital… capital made available through funds created by local communities for the purpose of making venture capital accessible to entrepreneurs in low-income ar-eas. Taint analysis Taint analysis is an information security process used to trace the flow of user input through a system to see the security implications. Smoke Testing The process of testing to cover major functions of the software but none in depth. Object-Oriented Programming Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm built on the concept of objects that contain both data and code to modify the data. It is a collaborative data gathering process between organizational stakeholders and the consultant in which relevant information about the presenting problem is gathered, analyzed, and reviewed. OD is a science-backed effort focusing on improving an organization's capacity by aligning a number of process and is related to but different than Human Resources Management.

Usually this is an area with the highest concentration of businesses, including financial institutions, shops, offices, theaters, and restaurants. Business Retention… systematic effort designed to keep local companies content at their present locations which includes helping companies cope with changing economic conditions and internal company problems. If you’re a fan of gaming and like to keep up with industry news, you’re probably fairly familiar with some of the terminology you’ll find here.

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